Business is rooted in transaction, with most entrepreneurs taking the Jerry Maguire approach of “Show me the money!”
I give you the goods and you give me your money.
Entrepreneurial prostitution at it’s finest.
Well, according to one definition – prostitution is the misuse of talent for financial gain.
So, yeah, most entrepreneurs who are focusing solely on getting their customers money in exchange of goods are, in essence, entering into dangerous territory.
Let’s cover this in a bit more detail.
Transactions are singular… but they are only one of many moments that define the customer experience.
If you’re only worried about that moment at the cash register, or the moment a customer enters their credit card details into a form on your website…
You’ve effectively put on blinders, and are ignoring all of the pieces that will keep your customers coming back for more!
…including recommending your business to their friends and family…
As Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach reminded me last week, savvy entrepreneurs focus on transformation.
To provide your customer with a transformation is to go above and beyond their expectations, to provide them with the greatest result and/or advantage possible.
Transformations don’t happen at the cash register or at the final page of your online shopping cart, they develop over the course of a customer’s experience with a given business – from the moment they discover your product or service, to well after money changes hands.
You’re now taking your business from transaction focused – to customer-focused (a key component of The Predictable Profits Method™).
Take Zappos for example. You place the transaction on their website – only to find out they’ve upgraded your shipping to two-days at no charge (often even receiving the product next day), and they’ll move mountains to make sure they’ve offered you a WOW! Experience.
Real transformations occur when a customer walks into a storefront with a problem and leaves with a solution.
Transformations come with peace of mind and a sense of accomplishment…
If you look at companies that offer exceptional customer service, who’ve built a loyal following of repeat customers – companies like Apple, Starbucks, Nordstrom, etc. – it’s easy to see that there’s a lot more going on than the few moments spent exchanging money for products.
Not only do these companies make a point to have expertly trained employees, they make it clear that the customer’s happiness is their top priority.
These companies want to make sure that the customer is getting what they need throughout the experience – from the moment they walk through the door or arrive at a website.
This type of service results in a greater advantage and benefit for the customer, far beyond whatever product or service they may have purchased.
Transactions are important, but they are only one small piece of the overall experience – focus on transforming the lives of your customers, and the transactions will happen on their own!
In your corner,